While the Daemen community may have been experiencing a “new normal” in 2020, some traditions will never cease to be celebrated!
Daemen College’s annual Founders Celebration, which commemorates the college’s founding and its rich history of academic excellence, was officially observed in the fall with the ceremonial ringing of Founders Bell in a special ceremony, virtualized for all to enjoy safely from home. The celebration honors Daemen’s origins, heritage, and, most importantly, a long tradition of academic excellence in higher education.

The ceremonial ringing of the Founders Bell includes one ring to signify each decade since the college was founded in 1947. Bell ringers for this year’s celebration included Daemen College President Gary Olson; John Yurtchuk, chair of the Daemen Board of Trustees; Sr. Nancy Zelma, O.S.F. ‘80, of the Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity, the college’s founding congregation; Alan Turner ’93, representing 69 years of graduates; Telena Smith, president of the Student Government Association; Dr. Greg Ford, Faculty Senate president and chair of the physical therapy program; and Dr. Kathleen Murphy, emeritus faculty member.
Founders Bell, which is located adjacent to Founders Walkway outside Daemen’s historic Rosary Hall, was initially crafted in 1858 by the renowned Meneely Bell Foundry.